Expand into Portugal with a Shelf Company

Business owners who intend to expand their ventures to European countries often consider places like Germany, France, or Luxembourg. While such countries do feature good business environments and stable markets, they don’t offer all the perks that expanding a business to places like Portugal provides.
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Top Tips on Expanding Your Business to Spain

Spain is often considered as one of Europe’s most culturally rich and diverse countries. This reputation has made it one of the continent’s top tourist destinations. After all, who wouldn’t want to visit an exotic country with a Mediterranean climate, low crime
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Plan for Uber and Deliveroo workers

EU directive allows member states to decide when a gig worker should count as an employee. European Union countries reached a deal that would keep key decisions in the hands of member states, breaking a deadlock over plans for workers’ rights in
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Japan – Corporate Taxes Summary

A domestic corporation in Japan is taxed on its worldwide income, including foreign branch income. However, 95% of dividends received by a domestic corporation from a foreign company in which it has held at least 25% (or lower, depending on the relevant
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Germany – Corporate Taxes Summary

Germany taxes its corporate residents on their worldwide income. However, most double tax treaties (DTTs) exempt income attributable to a foreign permanent establishment (PE). Non-residents with PE or property income are taxed by assessment on German-source income; those earning royalties and dividends
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French Corporate Taxes summary

A resident company is subject to corporate income tax (CIT) in France on its French-source income. In that respect, income attributable to foreign business activity (if there is no treaty in force between France and the relevant foreign country) or to a foreign
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Estonia Corporate Taxes Summary

All undistributed corporate profits are tax exempt. This exemption covers both active (e.g. trading) and passive (e.g. dividends, interest, royalties) types of income. It also covers capital gains from the sale of all types of assets, including shares, securities, and immovable property.
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